
Agribusiness serves as the lifeblood of districts, providing income and employment opportunities for more than 90% of the population. By enhancing agribusiness, we can significantly impact the lives of countless individuals. Our efforts aim to alleviate poverty and contribute to the welfare of communities.

Food Security

With food security being a paramount concern for Tanzanians, our company seizes this opportunity to make a difference. We are committed to leveraging the agricultural landscape to address food security challenges and contribute to the well-being of the nation.


TWINS AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT’s services and products are strategically designed to foster national economic growth by:

  • Mobilizing villages through the dissemination of agribusiness knowledge to small holder farmers.
  • Enhancing food security for both industrial and agricultural workers, ensuring affordable access to nutritious food.
  • Expanding employment opportunities and nurturing entrepreneurship knowledge.

Future Activities

In our pursuit of further impact, TWINS AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT is dedicated to executing strategic actions that include:

  • Providing comprehensive agribusiness services and training to empower small holder farmers in agribusiness and agriculture inputs.
  • Delivering academic services to diverse institutions, promoting education and knowledge sharing.
  • Expanding our service coverage across the entire country, reaching more communities with our offerings.

Challenges and Risks

As we work towards our mission, we acknowledge and address various challenges and risks:

  • Skill Problem
    The low level of skills in critical areas such as agribusiness, improved technologies, post-harvest handling, and pest management hampers productivity and yield for small holder farmers. Our efforts focus on addressing these skill gaps.
  • High Demand vs. Capacity
    The high demand for our services can sometimes exceed our current capacity. We are continually striving to balance this demand with our available resources while maintaining the quality and effectiveness of our interventions.