TWINS AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT plays a crucial role in food security and poverty reduction. It has increasingly shown its capacities and potential in Agribusiness program and project design, execution and implementation at regional, national and local levels. In recent years, our Company has succeeded in providing vaccines to more than 1,477,000 cattle proportionally with advanced livestock keeping to small scale farmers in 18 Districts.

TWINS AGROVET after won the government bid to supply the subsidized agricultural input we were able to supply 480kg of OPV seeds,970 kg of hybrid seeds,87500kg of DAP fertilizer and 87500kg of UREA fertilizer in some villages of Simanjiro and Kongwa Districts in 2015.

TWINS AGROVET, also supplied a good quality animal supplements feeds in a good order in Kiteto District in Manyara Region whereby we were able to deliver hay bales 75000kg, compound mixture 60000kg, fodder and pasture seeds 1012kg to the small holder pastoralists in Kiteto District in 2020/2021 period in adventure with RED CROSS TANZANIA. From 2021 up to date Twins has been implementing Agresults Dairy productivity challenge. As one amongst competitors in this project of improving productivity in dairy cattle Twins has been able to operate in four districts namely Morogoro, Kibaha, Mvomero and Handeni so far. The main services we have been selling are vaccines mainly Blanthrax [BQ],CBPP, and Acaricides including Cybadip, Albadip and Antihelminths like Albendazole .Also preparation, production, distribution and selling of animal fodders such as hay, silage, compound mixture, mineral supplements to small holder farmers(SHF).Also provision of advisory/consultation services  during the field operation and off field.

Progression score, In most of the areas we operated we have been able to cover over seventy percent (70%) of the target population of cattle/small holder farmers that was aimed to reached, for instance in Morogoro DC 72%,Handeni DC 75%,and 71% in Kibaha DC.

So far we have been able to reach more than four thousands (4218) small holder farmers.

Generally, the numbers of cattle we have covered so far in these areas are as follows;

  • Morogoro D.C; 33698 cattle-Blanthrax vaccine
  • KibahaD.C; 24870 cattle   -Blanthrax vaccine -CBPP, Parasite control
  • HandeniD.C; 52429 cattle–Blanthrax-CBPP vaccines, Parasite control
  • MvomeroD.C; 5419 cattle- {CBPP},Blanthrax vaccine 16507,Parasite control

Nevertheless, we have also been able to provide the same services to small ruminants animals including sheep and goats whereby more than nine thousands (9035) in Kibaha and Mvomero Districts.

So far, in these districts we have been able to cover numerous numbers of villages over 200 villages in total for the speculated time period.

Factors Influencing Our Success

Twins has its own basic modality for proper extension services provision to ensure efficiency delivery of its services to the farmers which is known as Mass Approach whereby a large number of farmers are accessed and provided with mass sensitization in education, awareness so as to create collective understanding of the campaign and so collective participation of each stakeholder in the whole chain of the operation. Likewise during service provision it involves mass number of cattle attend the service thus make easier to attend large number of cattle in short time hence increase efficiency.

The following reasons are the keys to our achievements;

  • Proper exhibition modality/extension methodology that involves the following;
  1. Involvement of council authority/figures that includes DC, DED, DLFO/DVO, etc. to create general awareness of the project so that they can influence the efficient delivery of the project.
  2. Involvement of village and farmers` leaders whereby they are given basic knowledge on the project and importance of the vaccines and parasites control on improving health and production of livestock.
  3. Sensitization of the farmers where they are trained with education about the importance of vaccination and parasites control at large through village meetings in all wards of the district.
  • Proper arrangement of operation schedule whereby we consider the following circumstances/strategies to achieve smooth running of operation as;
  1. Time /weather condition
  2. Geographical arrangement for easy running of the operation
  3. Time space for farmers to prepare for the operation
  4. Consideration of the influential areas such as highly populated areas that will echo the lounging of the campaign to other places
  • Participation of the extension field officers

We get full support from the field officers who are close to their farmers during sensitization and actual operation.

  • Demonstration services

We provide demonstration services to the farmers for the operation on how to deliver the particular services such as proper acaricides application like spraying and dipping, also deworming process as proper drenching for better results and without harming the animal

  • Lack of side effects or merely side effects to the animal after the operation which in most cases are tolerable has convinced the farmer to respond at high volumes during the activity. This is attained through adherence to professional conduct procedure like proper injection, dose, disinfection of apparatus, proper dose, proper hygiene, etc. In contrary the best impacts to the animals post services such as prevention of disease/infection, increased milk let down ,improved feed intake and weight gain/growth rate has triggered farmers to respond to these services, and increased the farmers desire to be served.
  • Provision of general advisory/consultation services for various aspects of livestock keeping such as proper husbandry, feeding, feeds storage, supplementary feeding ,breeding ,routine management, provisional/tentative diseases diagnosis and examination with respective drugs prescription on the spot, etc. has convinced farmers to appear in large volumes during the campaign.
  • Proper records keeping whereby we have established a very efficient system of tracking individual farmers that include farmer profile form such as name,phone numbers, receipts number, number of cattle and their signature ; general data base of farmers at mass e.g. at district level. Moreover we provide general report of the operation to the authority at the end of the activity about the performance like total number of cattle attended and number farmers served.
  • Lastly we have a tendency to follow the farmer back and up post services for their livestock progress is post services monitoring incase anything happen to be intervened at individual and mass level