Welcome to the TWINS AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT Agriculture Services page. Our focus on sustainable agricultural practices and increased agricultural productivity drives our efforts to support farmers and agribusinesses. Explore the comprehensive range of services we offer:

1. Improved Seed Varieties and Planting Techniques

  • What We Do: We provide access to improved seed varieties and offer guidance on modern planting techniques for enhanced crop yields.
  • Target Audience: Farmers and agribusinesses looking to improve their crop productivity and quality.
  • How We Do It: We offer a variety of improved seeds and provide training on optimal planting practices, including spacing and timing.
  • Where We Do It: In rural and peri-urban agricultural areas across Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • What We Expect: By offering quality seeds and planting guidance, we anticipate increased crop yields, improved food security, and enhanced livelihoods for farmers.

2. Soil Health Management and Fertilization

  • What We Do: We provide expertise in soil health management and recommend appropriate fertilization strategies for optimal crop growth.
  • Target Audience: Farmers seeking to improve soil fertility and maximize crop production.
  • How We Do It: We conduct soil tests, offer tailored fertilizer recommendations, and provide guidance on soil conservation practices.
  • Where We Do It: In agricultural fields and farmlands throughout Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • What We Expect: Through our soil health management services, we aim to increase nutrient availability, improve crop resilience, and foster sustainable farming practices.

3. Integrated Pest and Disease Management

  • What We Do: We offer integrated solutions to manage pests and diseases sustainably, minimizing crop losses.
  • Target Audience: Farmers and agribusinesses seeking effective and environmentally friendly pest and disease control methods.
  • How We Do It: We assess pest and disease risks, recommend preventive measures, and provide guidance on eco-friendly management techniques.
  • Where We Do It: Across various crop-growing regions in Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • What We Expect: By promoting integrated pest and disease management, we anticipate reduced crop losses, minimized chemical usage, and improved environmental sustainability.

4. Crop Diversification and Rotation Strategies

  • What We Do: We promote crop diversification and rotation strategies to enhance soil fertility, manage pests, and improve yields.
  • Target Audience: Farmers interested in optimizing land use, reducing risk, and improving overall farm productivity.
  • How We Do It: We provide insights into suitable crop rotations, intercropping options, and sustainable farming practices.
  • Where We Do It: In communities and agricultural regions throughout Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • What We Expect: Through our guidance on crop diversification and rotation, we aim to improve soil health, mitigate pest pressures, and enhance agricultural sustainability.

5. Water Management and Irrigation Techniques

  • What We Do: We offer advice on water management and recommend efficient irrigation techniques for optimized crop growth.
  • Target Audience: Farmers seeking to improve water use efficiency and crop irrigation practices.
  • How We Do It: We provide information on irrigation scheduling, water-saving methods, and appropriate irrigation systems.
  • Where We Do It: In areas where water scarcity is a concern, primarily in rural and peri-urban agricultural settings in Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • What We Expect: By promoting water management and efficient irrigation, we anticipate improved water resource utilization, enhanced crop productivity, and reduced water wastage.

At TWINS AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT, our agriculture services are dedicated to equipping farmers and agribusinesses with the knowledge, tools, and techniques they need to achieve sustainable and productive farming practices. Through improved seed varieties, soil health management, integrated pest and disease management, crop diversification, and water management strategies, we aim to contribute to increased agricultural productivity, improved livelihoods, and a more resilient agricultural sector in Morogoro, Tanzania.

For more information kindly find us at:
Postal Address: P.O.BOX 6587, MOROGORO.
Physical Address: Mazimbu, Nguzo Street, Morogoro Municipal, Morogoro Region.
Email: info@twins.co.tz cc twinsagrovetinvest@gmail.com
Website: www.twins.co.tz
Phone: 0626135854/0683498218