Welcome to the TWINS AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT Livestock Services page. Our commitment to improving livestock health, productivity, and management is at the forefront of our mission. Discover how we contribute to the well-being of livestock and those who care for them:

1. Veterinary Healthcare and Consultation

  • What We Do: We provide comprehensive veterinary healthcare services and consultations to ensure the well-being of livestock.
  • Target Audience: Livestock owners, smallholder farmers, and pastoralists seeking expert veterinary care.
  • How We Do It: Our team of experienced veterinarians offers diagnostics, treatment, and preventive care to address various livestock health issues.
  • Where We Do It: Across rural and pastoral communities in Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • What We Expect: Through our veterinary services, we aim to improve livestock health, reduce disease incidence, and enhance overall productivity.

2. Livestock Nutrition and Feed Management

  • What We Do: We offer guidance on proper livestock nutrition and feed management for optimal growth and production.
  • Target Audience: Livestock owners, farmers, and pastoralists seeking to enhance their animals’ nutritional intake.
  • How We Do It: We provide tailored nutrition plans, recommend balanced feed options, and offer advice on feeding practices.
  • Where We Do It: In both rural and urban livestock farming settings in Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • What We Expect: By promoting proper nutrition and feed management, we anticipate improved animal health, growth, and productivity, leading to better livelihoods for livestock keepers.

3. Livestock Breeding and Reproductive Management

  • What We Do: We provide expertise in livestock breeding and reproductive management to optimize breeding outcomes.
  • Target Audience: Livestock breeders, farmers, and pastoralists aiming to improve their breeding programs.
  • How We Do It: Our specialists offer guidance on breeding techniques, reproductive health, and genetic selection.
  • Where We Do It: In livestock breeding facilities and communities across Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • What We Expect: Through our support, we aim to enhance breeding efficiency, improve genetic traits, and ultimately increase livestock quality and productivity.

4. Parasite Control and Disease Prevention

  • What We Do: We offer strategies for effective parasite control and disease prevention in livestock.
  • Target Audience: Livestock owners and farmers looking to safeguard their animals from parasites and diseases.
  • How We Do It: We provide recommendations for vaccination schedules, parasite control methods, and biosecurity measures.
  • Where We Do It: In both rural and peri-urban livestock farming areas in Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • What We Expect: By promoting parasite control and disease prevention, we anticipate reduced livestock morbidity, increased productivity, and improved animal welfare.

5. Livestock Management Training

  • What We Do: We offer training in livestock management practices to enhance animal husbandry skills.
  • Target Audience: Livestock keepers, farmers, and individuals interested in livestock management techniques.
  • How We Do It: Through workshops and training sessions, we share best practices in livestock care, handling, and management.
  • Where We Do It: Across communities and educational institutions in Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • What We Expect: By providing valuable training, we aim to empower livestock keepers with practical knowledge that leads to improved animal welfare and productivity.

At TWINS AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT, our livestock services are dedicated to promoting the health, well-being, and productivity of livestock. Through veterinary care, nutrition guidance, breeding support, disease prevention, and training, we contribute to the livelihoods of livestock keepers and the overall quality of livestock farming in Morogoro, Tanzania.

For more information kindly find us at:
Postal Address: P.O.BOX 6587, MOROGORO.
Physical Address: Mazimbu, Nguzo Street, Morogoro Municipal, Morogoro Region.
Email: info@twins.co.tz cc twinsagrovetinvest@gmail.com
Website: www.twins.co.tz
Phone: 0626135854/0683498218