TWINS AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT offers a diverse array of products and services that cater to the specific needs of rural communities, addressing challenges in agriculture, education, and livestock management. Our comprehensive approach aims to empower smallholder farmers with the knowledge and resources necessary for sustainable growth and improved livelihoods.

Product Range

Our company currently deals with a range of essential products that contribute to agricultural productivity and rural development. These include:

  • Agricultural Inputs
    We specialize in selling agricultural inputs, particularly subsidized products such as fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides. These inputs play a crucial role in enhancing crop yield and quality, thereby improving the income and food security of smallholder farmers.
  • Livestock Feed Supplements
    In times of drought and scarcity, we provide livestock feed supplements like hay bales, compound mixtures, and fodder and pasture seeds. These supplements ensure that animals receive adequate nutrition, even in challenging climatic conditions.
  • Livestock Health Management
    We offer a range of livestock health management inputs, including vaccines and antiparasitic drugs. Ensuring the health of animals is paramount for the sustainability of rural communities that heavily depend on livestock.

Service Offerings

In addition to our product range, we provide valuable services that enrich the lives of rural residents:

  • Agribusiness Knowledge Provision
    Our commitment to education is reflected in our provision of agribusiness knowledge. We empower farmers with the latest information, techniques, and best practices in agriculture, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their farming activities.
  • Academic Services Provision
    Recognizing the importance of education, we offer academic services and equipment to various institutions. By equipping educational facilities with the necessary tools, we contribute to the growth of knowledge and skills among the youth.
  • Advisory and Consultation
    We offer advisory and consultation services to farmers both on and off the fields. Our experts provide guidance on farming techniques, livestock management, and overall agricultural strategies, ensuring that farmers have the support they need to thrive.

Targeting Principles

Our approach to targeting is rooted in the recognition of limited resources and the need to make a significant impact on poverty and food insecurity. Our targeting principles are as follows:

  • Area Targeting
    We prioritize areas that are most vulnerable in terms of food insecurity, low agricultural productivity, and academic service provision. By concentrating our efforts where they are needed most, we aim to uplift communities facing significant challenges.
  • Individual Targeting
    Our services extend to individuals, providing agribusiness knowledge and academic equipment services. This approach allows us to cater to the unique needs of farmers and educational institutions.
  • Gender Focus
    We place a special focus on women and youth, recognizing their pivotal roles in households and communities. Women often bear the brunt of poverty and deprivation, and empowering them can lead to immediate improvements in household well-being. Encouraging women and youth to engage in business activities strengthens their influence and economic status within their families.

At TWINS AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT, our mission is to create positive and sustainable change in rural areas by offering products and services that address the root causes of poverty and food insecurity. By prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable and working in partnership with communities, we strive to build a brighter future for all.