Twins AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT is an award-winning organization established in 2012, with the aim of creating a lasting positive impact on Tanzania’s Livestock, agricultural, and Environment sectors. Our journey began with the vision of pioneering transformative change in rural communities by addressing critical challenges in agribusiness. We seized the opportunity to uplift smallholder farmers, enhance food security, and contribute to poverty reduction in Tanzania.

Our company’s inception was driven by the recognition that agriculture holds the key to economic growth, empowerment, and sustainability. With the foundation of knowledge, experience, and a passionate commitment to social progress, we embarked on this journey to not only harness the potential of agriculture but also to elevate the lives of those who depend on it.

Core Functions

The core activities of Twins AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT span across three major domains: livestock, agriculture, and the environment. In the realm of livestock, we provide essential health management inputs, vaccines, and consultation services to enhance animal well-being and improve livestock productivity. In agriculture, we offer improved seed varieties, integrated pest management, and soil health solutions to enhance crop yields and empower smallholder farmers. In the realm of the environment, we engage in initiatives that promote sustainable practices, natural resource management, and climate resilience.

Livestock Services

We strive to improve livestock health and productivity by providing vaccines, antiparasitic agents, and nutritional supplements. Our comprehensive approach covers disease prevention, animal welfare, and improved livestock management techniques. By empowering livestock keepers, we contribute to their economic stability and strengthen the agricultural value chain.

Agriculture Services

In the agricultural sphere, we facilitate the adoption of modern farming techniques, efficient crop management, and sustainable land use practices. Our services encompass agribusiness training, access to improved seeds, and strategies for optimal resource utilization. By enhancing agricultural productivity, we play a pivotal role in combating food insecurity and elevating the income of smallholder farmers.

Environmental Initiatives

Our commitment to environmental sustainability extends to initiatives aimed at fostering natural resource management, promoting climate resilience, and advocating for sustainable practices. We engage in raising awareness, implementing conservation strategies, and empowering communities to protect their ecosystems and livelihoods.

Target Audience

Twins AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT’s primary target audience includes smallholder farmers, rural communities, livestock keepers, and agribusiness practitioners. By focusing on these segments, we tailor our efforts to reach those who benefit most from improved agricultural practices and sustainable interventions.

How We Do It

Twins AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT operates on the foundation of expertise, adaptability, and community engagement. We combine scientific knowledge with practical experience to develop tailored solutions that address specific challenges. Our strategies are grounded in understanding the unique context of Tanzanian farmers, allowing us to provide relevant, actionable advice and resources.

Where We Do It

We work in various districts across Tanzania, with a particular focus on areas where agriculture plays a central role in livelihoods and economic growth. From Kilindi to Mvomero, Morogoro to Handeni, and beyond, our initiatives have a far-reaching impact on the communities we engage with.

Example of Districts

Examples of areas where our company has a major impact include Kilindi, Mvomero, Morogoro, Handeni, and beyond. These districts are testament to our commitment to reaching diverse communities and addressing specific agricultural and environmental challenges.

What We Expect

We expect our efforts to translate into tangible improvements in the lives of smallholder farmers and rural communities. Our expectations revolve around witnessing increased yields, enhanced livelihoods, and empowered individuals who can navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

How You Can Join Us

Join us on our journey to transform agriculture and empower lives. By collaborating with Twins AGROVET AND GENERAL SUPPLY INVESTMENT, you can be a catalyst for change. Whether you’re a smallholder farmer, a partner organization, or someone passionate about agricultural progress, your involvement matters. Together, we can cultivate change, elevate communities, and create a brighter, more sustainable future for Tanzania’s agriculture.